Monday, July 30, 2012

On hold......

I'm on hold as I'm writing this and thinking about all the things one can do while on hold.  With this particular company who shall remain nameless as to protect its guilt I have done the following...

1. Drove home from my zumba class, went to dinner with my best friend, ate, had dessert, drove home and was about to give up and get in the shower but they finally answered.  Total hold time: 2 hours.

I'm still on hold presently, they just thanked me for holding.  I bit my tongue to refrain from cursing at them.

2. Woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, made coffee, drank said coffee, put on makeup, did my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast.  Total hold time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

I'm still on hold presently.  They are playing terrible music.  Here's a thought, maybe something relaxing to listen to so I refrain from getting more irritated when you do finally get on the phone.

3.  Watched a two hour movie.  I refrained from watching anything with gratuitous violence so as not to incite further anger within myself when they finally picked up the phone.

I'm still on hold, starting to get hungry....

My suggestions for reducing hold times for this particular company...

1. Hire more people
2. Hire faster and/or nicer people
3. Don't have a busy signal for the first five hours of your day
4. Play music that you might hear in the spa and not in an elevator.
5. Hire more people.

I'm still on hold...  I'll talk to you around dinner time.

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