Wednesday, August 1, 2012

He's Just Not That Into You...

With rejection in my love life and rejection in my work life, Today's topic is he's just not that into you.

In general, I am a person that needs answers, it's the journalist in me I guess, so when I don't have answers or when something doesn't make sense, it frustrates the hell out of me even more.  When a potential employer emails me and says we went in another direction that's all fine and good but why?

When a guy doesn't call you back, that's all fine and good but why?

In the best-selling book, He's Just Not That Into You, by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo, one of the "rules" if you will is, "He's Just Not That Into You if he's not calling you."  Great.... but again why?

According to, the top three reasons that men don't call you back are

1. Some men are too immature to be straightforward with a woman
2. They thought they were being polite by getting your number even though they didn't feel like calling
3. They lost your number or forgot to call (Yeah, right!)

I forget where I read this but I think there is actually a website where you can send a date a form asking him why he didn't call you back or ask you out again.

I personally think this is a great idea and could be used for both romantic and work related ventures.

How about something like this?

Dear (Insert Date's name here or Employer's name here)

I had a great date/interview.  But you have declined to call back.  Which is just fine but I'd love to know what I could do better next time to receive a job/second date offer.

Please list three things I could improve on for next time.

Thank you.

In closing,